The Islands
Ten Islands are known to exist in the Newgenic Metaverse, and each are populated by one certain type of Humanimal hybrid. Spread out in a crescent from West to East, the Islands are as follows:
Simia Island
An island dense in forest and thick with overgrowth, Simia is rich in fruits and wood, producing the best foods known in the Metaverse. Home of the Monkey Humanimals, bred from the genetic material of Macaque monkeys and the human genome of Simon Crane: a brilliant, if hyperactive and disorganised, research assistant.
Stripe Island
A raised, flat, table-like island of dusty plains and grain fields, Stripe is also well known for its pottery and extravagant fashions. Home of the Zebra Humanimals, bred from wild zebras and the human genetics of Harimoto Mori: a passionate speaker and avid animal rights advocate.
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